1. Choose the right grass. The right grass for your yard will depend on your climate, conditions, and soil. Stop in and talk to us about the best choices. In general, cool-season grasses survive harsh winters but tend to suffer during summer months; warm-season grasses thrive in summer sun but go dormant during the winter--and turn brown in below-freezing temperatures.

  2. Water appropriately. It's better to water deeply to encourage root growth instead of watering frequently. There are not hard-and-fast rules about how often to water. When the surface soil feels dry to the touch, it's time to water.

  3. Fertilize. Apply a nitrogen fertilizer in late spring and summer and be sure to water it in thoroughly. Fertilize cool-season grasses throughout fall and spring. Again, ask come in or call about specific recommendations. We carry your fertilizer necessities…

  4. Mow properly. Don't let the grass grow too long; mow when it reaches about one third taller than its optimum height.